Friday, March 5, 2010

Eco-efficient recycling, new way towards a sustainable economy

by Valeria Rocca

It has been presented at the Euro-Parliament in Brussels (Belgium) the study “Eco-efficient recycling economic, environmental and energetic performance and perspective”, made by Duccio Bianchi for the Institute of research “Ambiente Italia”.

The analysis, published within the Kyoto Club, deepens the subject of recycling and identifies in the industrial system the key of an environmental reconversion of planetary economy, in consideration of the latest investments in the fields of the industry of recycling and alternative energies, in a perspective of environmental protection, green economy and sustainability.
The study points out how recycling is, nowadays, an essential source of industrial supplying, to make up for the lack of raw sources: the growing demand, in fact, can be satisfied only by the so called “secondary raw sources”, avoiding to exploit and impoverish soles.

«By optimizing the system of management, recycling grants several benefits, mostly on the side of reducing consumptions and CO2 emissions, boosting the development of alternative energetic sources, plus the collective benefits in terms of life quality», says Duccio Bianchi, whose study presents the most recent results for each material (paper, plastic, glass, wood, aluminum, iron, rubber and exhausted oils) as far as product life-cycle, its disposal and environmental impact are concerned.
According to Bianchi, it would also favorite to reach Kyoto Protocol’s targets and 20-20-20 EU project’s goals (to reach, within year 2020, the reduction of 20% in energy consumption, the increase of 20% in renewable energies and a reduction of 20% of climate-changing emissions). «This shows how it is possible to combine Environment and economical Growth on the rails of sustainability, boosting employment opportunities».

To the presentation in Brussels there was also the former MoEP Monica Frassoni, president of the European Green Party, who in these days is fighting her battle against the "Amflora potato”, the GMO tuber for industrial cultivation purposes just authorized by the EU Health and Consumer Protection Commissioner John Dalli.

How is it possible to communicate this subject?
«Experts, media and Institution have the duty of making appropriate communication, in order to increase the knowledge by enterprises, citizens and policy makers and to boost the quantity of recycled materials, with the target of creating a greener and greener economy. A serious engagement in this direction can grant all us a better future, with environmental sensitization campaigns on the importance of separate waste collection, on recycling and on the worth of alternative energetic sources, instead of un-useful nuclear power plants».

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