Friday, July 22, 2011

Pomigliano d'Arco: between FIAT and eco-report

by Eleonora Anello

There has been much talking on April 4th, 2011, when they launched the news that the separate collection has got into the Fiat factories in Pomigliano.

«The Fiat - Raffaele Di Nicola said, the manager of Enama Spa, the company that manages the collection of urban waste in the city, at the launch of the campaign - has shown great sensitivity. The modernization of the plant for the production of the new Panda as well as the new mode of separation has created the opportunity to redesign the employee dining areas, adapting them to the needs of the new collection system». In fact, containers for paper were placed close to all offices and to each location. The car company has also scheduled meetings with all companies to inform them of the news about the environment.

In a press conference Di Raffaele said: «We are working with an innovative model of communication. Our campaign is silent. As a first step we have involved only the homogeneous subjects, including property and school managers, voluntary and environmental organizations, managers of both large and small companies and also traders. Our aim was to teach them about a direct communication towards the subjects they represent. Thus, firstly a word-of-mouth advertising along with posters and then, secondly, public meetings with the entire community of Pomigliano. The goal is to exceed 50% of separate waste collection by December 31st, 2011».

The campaign has involved not only the companies operating in the Campania region. The action created by the Fondazione Willy Brandt wanted to involve as protagonists especially families and schools. Enzo Pirone, FWB coordinator, has focused on the educational program at the heart of the campaign Riciclando (Recycling). «The boys of the fourth and fifth year of primary school will use the “Eco-report”, which is a mean of communicating with parents, but also a way to spread the idea of a good separate collection. By the use of the Eco-report, with a classic role reversal, they themselves will become protagonists, who, through questions and subsequent evaluations, will score their families’ behaviours and habits in the house management of wastes and separate collection. The Ecoreports will be collected and then digitized to be analyzed by experts, coordinated by FWB, in order to have a statistical analysis of the habits and behaviour of households». And it does not end here. The “Professor Recycling” has been put in charge of the relationship with the classes. By sporadic surveys he will be responsible for spreading the culture of sustainability through a theatrical approach, which should capture the attention and interest of kids who, in turn, will be called to create and dramatize a play and a performance on the theme of waste collection.

With an elaborate campaign of communication, which gets its strength from the use of a diversified language, understandable by everyone, Pomigliano d'Arco, already "Riciclone City", aims to become a centre of excellence in a critical area such as that of waste.

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