Wednesday, November 25, 2009

A special fashion show

by Federica Gemma

The “Occhio del Riciclone Onlus – Marche” trainers are already working to meet the primary schools of San Benedetto del Tronto (Marche Region – Italy). The aim is to raise the students awareness, through the game, to take daily virtuous behavior towards waste reduction and waste. Creative Reuse laboratories are held in the course of three school days and will finish at the Municipal Auditorium with a final event impactful, scenic and communicative. Children will create with their parents dress made of scraps, where to wear it will be the same children. Two generations compared, where direct experience, conveyed by play, becomes part of the baggage of a civic community.

Assessor Paolo Conducci (Environmental Policy of San Benedetto del Tronto), analyzing the project with which they attend the European Week of waste reduction, it seems obvious that you think about laboratory like an effective communication instrument. Why?
Laboratories in schools allow children to get in touch directly with the material them every day, along with parents, distinguished home. By understanding how these assets can create new objects. Teaching to have greater awareness of refusal means that today's children can be informed consumers of tomorrow, buying goods with little packaging and easily recyclable.

The fashion show, is the culmination of a journey that sees educational work alongside parents and children. What reasons have motivated this original choice of communication that connects two generations?
The principal objective of the final event is to reward the children for they hard work during the week, and especially to extend the message of the importance of waste reduction and recycling to their parents. Our experience has taught us, that children are a great vehicle of transmission for adults to positive messages and good practices.

Among the labs activities:
construction or recovery, folders, book bags, pencils decorations, etc..;
construction of shopping bags: old bags, irons, wires, strips of colored plastic will be the raw material to build own fun bag;
recovery and recycling of broken toys: a real “mechanical of toys” recovering the old games.
All those toys that you can not adjust will still be disassembled and converted into other fun items, that will enliven their leisure moments.
In the best tradition of childhood, the best toys are not created by the manufacturers, but from the imagination of children.

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