Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Refuse, reduce, reuse, recycle: Bring the bag!

by Marzia Fialdini

To save the world we can begin with small things, small gestures: the campaign Porta la Sporta (Bring the bag) is the only reality that since March 2009 has worked at national level to prepare public opinion to ban the use of plastic bags, and has tried to raise a greater environmental awareness in Italy.

For a more sustainable consumption from 14th to 22nd April 2012 comes back the National Week Porta la Sporta, now in its third edition. The initiative - sponsored by the Association of Virtuous Municipalities, by WWF, Italia Nostra, the Italian Touring Club and Adiconsum, under the patronage of the Ministry of the Environment - invites people to make efficient use of resources by replacing the throwaway with alternatives suitable for reuse. At the same time it seeks to raise awareness on the companies world and organized distribution about producing and distributing products and solutions that enable people to consume low-impact. It is a useful week to rethink lifestyles and more sustainable consumption ways and to adopt the alternative proposals that Porta la Sporta conveys through its initiatives.

With this edition the event and the campaign get to the heart of those further actions that are necessary to prevent and reduce other waste such as containers, packaging and disposable items.

The invitation is open to any type of business, to the retail sector (food and otherwise), to associations and no profit organizations, to schools of all levels, national and local organizations and institutions, and – last but not the least – to citizens. Useful tips to attend the meeting can be found on site of Porta la Sporta, within other initiatives promoted by campaigns for schools and shops as Meno plastica per tutti, Mettila in rete and Sfida all'ultima sporta.

We asked Silvia Ricci, promoter of the campaign, if in addition to those already involved, there are others who would like to participate: "Yes I would like also fairs to be involved. They are places of passage that attract many visitors who come to browse and receive motivations and suggestions, and are therefore well prepared to receive communications. Above all visitors are inundated with gadgets, leaflets, bags and packages: why not take the opportunity to raise awareness with a “sporta” (bag) delivered at the beginning in which they can put all purchases or free sample, thus excluding the proliferation of unnecessary packaging? There is a trade show in particular that by its nature and the city that hosts it would suitable to launch this environmental message: the Book Fair in Turin, but unfortunately for the moment no one has done anything, and it is a shame."

Porta la Sporta opened a dialogue with some of the most important mass retailers in Italy involved with their outlets in the event of April for the third time now. In order to widen the front of corporate stakeholders, the campaign has gladly accepted the offer of a collaboration with the editors of GDOWEEK, a magazine dedicated to the Group's retail Sole 24 ORE. This is a small book available on the numbers of the 2012 GDO Week M@il that Porta la Sporta will use to comment current events that have relevance to the topics addressed by the campaign and have as characters manufacturing and the retail firms.

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