by Francesco Rasero
Will learn at theater too some good practices for reducing waste. Last night, Thursday, November 26, inside the first official edition of the "European Week for Waste Reduction", the Cities of Dogliani and Farigliano (Cuneo – Italy)) hosted the premiere of "Less than 100 kg - Recipes for a diet Our dustbin, "directed by Roberto Cavallo and with Luca Mercalli extraordinary participation.
So immersive and interactive, but based on careful scientific research, however, were underlined the most significant actions that anyone can put into practice in everyday life, to reduce by at least a quarter of its annual production of municipal waste , which amounts (average of the Province of Cuneo) to 516 kilograms inhabitant/year.
Just with the number "516", shown in red letters, opened the show, hosted by Roberto Cavallo (European waste expert and President of AICA), after an initial reading of the description of Leonia, taken from "The cities invisibles "of Italo Calvino, who already three decades ago was able to predict with alarming advance the current state of the city submerged by waste.
On stage, the researcher Luca Mercalli, known television face of "Che tempo che fa" on Rai Tre (Italian TV), in a series of scenes in which alternate examples, numbers, stunning and other readings on the topic drawn from literary classics copyright.
Just the mix of sources and styles, coupled with the stage presence of the two protagonists, involved the public when, in the end, the wait has been given "recipe" of actions to be implemented to do the diet to the trash: since the fight against waste home composting food waste, from unwanted publicity to the consumption of tap water, but also the use of reusable bags and reuse of clothes, furniture and other consumer products.
The activity has been to enter into the commitment already carried out by several years by the two municipalities, often mentioned as good examples in the Province of Cuneo to waste management, and has been officially validated by the Promoting Committee of the Italian week.
"The issue of waste prevention is certainly the new challenge, even at communication level, for the entire industry - Cavallo said - the European Week, thanks to its ubiquity throughout the Italian and visibility obtained on major national media, is providing an important channel of communication to get across to sensitize public opinion, decision-makers to stakeholders, the citizens. The formula of the play chosen Dogliani, thanks to its straightforward approach makes it possible to enter into direct contact with people, hear and interpret their moods. Significantly, at the end of the play, the fact that all these have gone to pick up the card on which was summed up as "diet", asking to be able to make additional copies for distribution to friends and acquaintances. This is an index of success and the "word of mouth" is surely the best way to propagate the effects".
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