by Francesco Rasero
It was recently presented in Turin (Italy), in the hall "Punt e Mes" in Eataly, the new book “Occhio allo spreco – Consumare meno e vivere meglio” ("Eye to waste - Consume less, live better"), written by Cristina Gabetti, environmental journalists and correspondent on "Striscia la Notizia", a popular Italian tv show.
The presentation was attended, in addition to the author, also the patron of Eataly, Oscar Farinetti, and the vice-director of the newspaper "La Stampa", Massimo Gramellini, author of the preface, which emphasized as an added value of the book is «the way in which the author urges us to adapt our lifestyles to the changing world with a smile. Taking the news as an opportunity to finally be happy».
The book is a collection of reflections and suggestions for an environmentally sustainable way of life, to "save money, live a healthy life and to protect the environment", written in simple language but concise and direct, result of the experience of television author. At the end of each chapter, there is even a check-list containing small daily gestures "to watch in the office/at home/outside the home.
There is talk of environmental sustainability almost 360 degrees: from zero kilometers and seasonal products to solar panels, from waste-free shopping to the rediscovery of old recipes of his grandmother, from detergents do-it-yourself to barter and reuse, but also advice to the wider radius, such as "know your neighbours" or "cultivate your inner resources." Finally, the book incorporates some of the services aired on Canale 5 in recent months and invites for further insights through a number of "links" listed in the notes.
Strong point of "Occhio allo spreco", in addition to the approach mentioned by Gramellini, is then the author's positioning herself as a self-testimonial in support of the contents of the book. Cristina Gabetti, in fact, lives firsthand the experience citing: cultivating a small vegetable garden along with the entire family, it makes the list for spending and goes to walk in their high street, uses public transportation for most of her movements , wears clothes that have several years, of winter is in the house with the sweater and does not use the air conditioner in summer, drinking tap water, buys products on tap, is part of a Group ‘supported agriculture, etc...
After the presentation, has exchanged a few thoughts with the author.
With the rubric of "Striscia" you brought to national attention (and, perhaps, "national-popular") the themes of environmental sustainability, starting from small everyday actions. Therefore can be the television a good teacher? Based on your experience, do you feel that it is an effective tool to communicate environmental issues to a large audience? Not run the risk of simplifying or even trivialize certain subjects?
«The society is a sum of individuals and when you bring attention to the power of individual actions and the dynamics of cause and effect-that is within the walls of the house, down the street, at work or in public-the question doesn’t change. In this light, the resonance of eco-conscious measures can be exponential. The healthy habits are effective to 360 degrees and who incorporates them into its daily who fails to behave differently depending on the circumstances in which he is. The change starts from inside and my effort, in everything I do, is to motivate people to try new paths, set lifestyles updated to the times we live. The power of TV is reaching a wide audience and, in a few minutes, every week, I can provide enough information to indicate possible paths and suggest solutions. The feedback that I receive through the site of Striscia la Notizia (by my page people click and write to me) is very encouraging: people transposes and act! Trivialize not depend on the medium but how you use it!».
How was the book "Occhio allo spreco" and what audience is it addressed? Your experience can be (in addition to the smile cited by Gramellini) the value added of the volume?
«I wrote the book for my televiewers and for those who want tips and content to set new lifestyles. It directed indiscriminately at all, because it is easy and cheerful. I am assuming that we have more time to be pessimistic: it is time to act, and experience teaches me that when the action comes in a proactive way, from a genuine desire to be in tune with their time, the path that follows becomes exciting. Positive thinking is necessary not to stop in face of obstacles, which are many. Deal with the fear of not overcoming them is much more tiring than thinking we can make the jump. Sometimes slams the nose, but that's how life is».
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