Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Referendum campaigns teach bottom up environmental communication

by Silvia Musso

If the institutional public communication does not do its work, people move from the bottom.

In these weeks before the Italian referendum vote of the next 12th and 13th June, in fact it is possible to see real participatory democracy demonstrations.

While the broadcasters and the national media send only some confused message on the next roll, the web is a river full of links, video messages, images, websites etc. aimed at promoting the only instrument of direct democracy that we have in Italy.

If you look a bit, you’ll find a world of various initiatives throughout Italy.

We start from the WWF video campaign “Non farti prendere per il naso. Sono tutte bugie. Sconfiggile andando a votare”("Do not get caught by the nose. They are all lies. Defeat them going to vote"). There are three video messages ("Let's vote yes"; "The lies about the water"; "The lies about nuclear") characterized by the symbol of a long Pinocchio nose. The aim is, in addition to promoting the referendum, "unmask the lies on the water and nuclear" as stated by Stefano Leoni, National President of the Italian WWF in the first video.

On the issue of water privatization, over the referendum campaign "2 yes" for water as common good", launched by the Italian Forum for Public Water, whose Envi has already reported, at the local level have hundreds of initiatives developed. As the one launched by the City of Capannori that has designed and published a video on You Tube. The video has had many views and has attracted strong interest, as evidenced by the comments left by visitors themselves. Some are very appreciative, others, however, stress that it is too populist and naive. But everyone agrees on the importance of communicating the right and duty to vote.

About the question on the nuclear issue, the experience that seems more effective from the communication point of view, is that of 7 young people who have chosen to deprive of liberty for a month and living locked up in a shelter under clear radiation protection rules. Fully sealed and isolated they cannot eat fresh vegetables, cheese, milk, meat or fish. They live according to strict rules of radiation protection protocol provided in the event of a nuclear accident with release of radiation and have only the Internet to communicate with the rest of the world.

«It's an extreme act - as they themselves show on the site - to stress their No to nuclear power and defending the future of all. They will not get out until the referendum will cancel the nightmare of a return to nuclear power in Italy».

Their project, supported by Greenpeace, is called "You are the crazy people" and this slogan does not certainly need further explanation.

The website contains a logbook, ie messages, videos and daily reflections of these young people.
The countdown, day by day, reminds those who visit the site that the date of June 12 is coming and that all responsible citizens are called to answer.

Looking at the world of Facebook and YouTube music videos are multiplying. One of the most effective is "12th June" which some members of famous groups such as Mellow Mood and Africa Unite cooperated.

The refrain "on June, the 12th of June" is almost a mantra that gets in the head and does not let you anymore. A real subliminal message that reminds the listener that on June 12 we can express our right and duty to vote.

The thousands of people who use the social networks can, in addition to share links and videos, change their profile picture with specific messages that invite to vote as "I do not abstain - Battiquorum".

Then, if the quorum will be reached what better occasion to celebrate? Look in your city the barsa, clubs etc. that have joined the initiative “Vuoto a rendere”. On the evenings of the referendum (Sunday 12 and Monday, June 13), to those who will be in the possession of voting card special offers or discounts (amounts and details are at the discretion of managers) will be guaranteed. To obtain the discount you can simply show the stamp that shows the voter turnout.

The organizers of the initiative say: «We and managers of businesses do not care whether the X was put on the yes or no. Their decision to vote is free and confidential. This initiative is not related to any political party or referendum committee, nor does it give instructions to vote: it only aims to bring more people to the polls and encourage participation in Italian political life».

Where, in fact, public communication lacks, environmental communication is spreading from the bottom using new, innovative and effective channels that have a disruptive force and a skill to reach a large number of people.

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