Saturday, September 3, 2011

“MENO 100 kg, ricette per la dieta della nostra pattumiera”

by Roberto Cavallo
Edizioni Ambiente, 2011

Emanuela Rosio's review

How to explain to children the European strategy on waste reduction? Perhaps remembering the actions of a grandfather they did not know. That grandfather, who spent hours hunched over a step to straighten the nails from the rafters and then put them off depending on the size in a Nutella jar.

An image that more than any other explains one of the European strategy 4 “R” to reduce our impact on the environment. The R of reuse, that reuse of objects that imply great creativity, innate in the past rural world.

Roberto Cavallo's book strenght is in this skill to make concrete a difficult subject, transforming it in daily acts. A problem to solve that becomes a common word that involves everyone. The waste management that metaphorically becomes a diet problem. As in summer before you go to the seaside. To follow a diet means to start thinking to what we throw away figuring out if these things are really necessary or if we cab change our behaviour and reduce also our bin's size. A light reflection that touches our future, that interrupts for a momentthe festivities of the Titanic to question the route, to say that maybe there's still time to divert from the iceberg that is waiting for us.

So let's ask what are disposable things, what are the products we buy and if there are some less impactful on the environment. Almost like a game that touches all the rooms of the house. And so in the text, we find the advice on cleaning products do it yourself, on homemade yogurt, on home composting to be done in the garden, how to reduce and reuse everyday objects.

The book flows slightly, taking over the theatre play called the same in which ideas become concrete suggestions for changing your buying choices, with jumps into the past of the author's family and references to current legislation and Roberto Cavallo's professional experience (President of ERICA soc. coop, services company that designs and realises environmental communication campaigns), alternating between descriptive and didactic parts.

The book can be of interest either to those are seeking advice on waste reduction, or those who are looking for a book able to evoke past times with great effectiveness, especially in terms of ability to transmit images and sensations described in minute details.

The book can be purchased at the discounted price of 12 euros (instead of 14) until September 5th by sending an email to The book will be in all bookshops since September 7th.

For more info: ERICA soc. Coop.

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