Friday, April 10, 2009

Football for waste recycling

by Francesco Rasero

"Whoever wins helps waste collection! At the Olimpico stadium like to own house!" This is the claim of the new campaign that promotes the launch of the collection at the Olympic Stadium in Rome. It will be the derby event Lazio-Roma, on April 11, to begin the initiative.
For years Madrid has been mobilized to this end, while in Italy it is the first collection in the stadiums. The campaign was made, in fact, for the football public, the claim is reminiscent of the chorus of supporters, the testimonials are their favorites: Tommaso Rocchi for Lazio and Roberto Aquilani for Roma. Maxi-billboards inside the stadium, a spot to be shown on the football match and a radio spot for the local radio station. Moreover, the collection as football is a team sport.
Indispensable partner in the success of the project is AMA Roma will give its contribution to activating some targeted services for the collection, performed after each game.

Finally, you can talk about a football that approaches the problems of society and is not always cited for sad facts of history. But deepen the topic with the communication area of CONAI:

Where did the idea of?
The initiative was born from an idea of the Italian Senate Environment Committee, strongly supported by CONI and CONAI, which had long pointed to the idea of bringing the collection within aggregation sites such as stadiums. There was a great feedback also from the sporting world, particularly Roma and Lazio teams, who immediately offered the availability of both players Rocchi and Aquilani as testimonials of the campaign, for the creation of a film that will be projected on the screen of the Olympic Stadium during the match. This kind of initiative is the first in Italy, but it can expand to other realities. The test phase will end with the match of the Champions League. The goal, however, beyond the experimental stage, is to make systematic collection inside the stadium.

How practical will take place in the initiative on Saturday?
The project provides for the packaging waste generated by the public and business sites into the stadium are separate from the involvement of “ecologic teams” and are sent to recycling through the CONAI. With regard to the collection on the sidelines, traders paper differ from non-recoverable waste, while in the entrance of the stadium will be made available to viewers two sacks, one blue for the collection of plastic packaging and a black waste collection is not recoverable. During the checking procedure for entry into the stadium, fans will have to dispose the waste in one of these bags. The refreshment inside the stadium will be equipped with tub for glass, paper bags for plastic and for the undifferentiated. In addition, the AMA will collect the organic fraction and the Rome Province has committed to promote within the stadium for the adoption of reusable or biodegradable packaging. The forecast is to collect about 75 tonnes of waste a lot.

The fans have got the message conveyed by the two players used as a testimonial?
In fact, the campaign will be presented Saturday April 11, during the derby, when formally start the initiative. The message of the spot recalls the importance of creating a common thread between the correct behavior to be kept at home and what happens when we are outside, in this case to the stadium. It is a message of civic consciousness: all of us, in fact, with a daily waste separation, give a fundamental contribution to the save environment. As we said at the press conference, the collection, such as football, is a team effort: the people are separating waste, the government has the task of making the collection and finally the CONAI closes the circle, the start to ensure recycling of packaging waste.

There are other related events?
We plan to expand the initiative to other events. CONAI particularly want to create an educational ad hoc sites for sports, especially sports schools dedicated to children.

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