by Alessio Sciurpa
Interesting, entertaining and informative "The Bill", a shortfilm directed by Peter Wedel of Eco-film (Berlin), re-reads in an ironic way themes have long questioned. What is behind the development model of "developed" countries, the lightness with which we make our choices of consumption and who actually pays the consequences. Although it seems a bit rhetoric in the final part, the effect is definitely good.
Winner of last edition of Germanwatch Short Film Competition and financial support from the German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, "The Bill" premiere was at the Development & Climate Day Conference and Film Festival in Bonn last June.
Scripted with simplicity and efficiency, the characters well characterized although, appears to be a good environmental communication product.
Always ironic, but certainly with more affordable aims, “Ninjiin-The Way Of The Vegetable Assassin” of the British Do the Green Thing.
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