Monday, May 31, 2010

New "programs" to reduce waste

by Eleonora Anello

Citizens, merchants and artisans of Castagnole delle Lanze, Italian town, in the Province of Asti, are involved in a single mission: to reduce the total waste. The environmental communication campaign “Mi si sono ristretti i rifiuti” ("I Shrunk the waste") - promoted by the Municipality and produced with the assistance of the Environment of the Asti Province - is to achieve a high quality in separate waste collection. Three main objectives: reduction at source of the composting, reuse of goods and use of products without packaging.

«The claim recalls the title of a famous film - says Alessandro Cane, the ERICA project manager responsible for the campaign - and is taken in an ironic way to the target, reversing the idea of the classic machine washing: instead of negatively restricting the clothes, in Castagnole positively waste will be reduced by special "programs" specified by administration».

The town, that for three consecutive years was awarded, first place overall, in the “Comuni Ricicloni” of Piedmont hit parade, with its 78% waste separation, 5 years after the launch of the first project, wants to increase and improve these best results through an information campaign only thanks to meetings for specific audiences. Six will be organized throughout the territory. The first and most generally, held few days ago, was the occasion to present new practical and possible practices to produce less waste: from the removal of plastic shopping bags to the two-sided printing, from the introduction of the "returnable" to the consumption of tap water, from the use of refillable cartridges for printers to the offer promotions 3x2 on green products to their customers.

«The citizens of the Castagnole Lanze, although very careful, need to be constantly informed and updated on the practices of recycling- says Guido Rossi, Environment assessor- Ours is a full door to door collection with the exception of glass that remains on the road. Since 2005, our administration has abolished the waste tax. In its place the citizens pay a price commensurate with the size of the dwelling and the family and especially the quantity of mixed waste produced. Despite having achieved excellent results, thanks to the commitment and civic duty to our fellow citizens, today we found criticality: since five years campaign haven’t been organised, and even the most experienced people need to be updated, not to mention the arrival of new families that need to be formed».

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