Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Low Impact presents Vlip Community

by Valeria Rocca

Low Impact is an environmental association founded on the assumption that all companies, institutions and citizens, can do their bit for the environment. Founded with the express purpose of disseminating good behavior in terms of economic sustainability, Low Impact introduces a new approach to saving the environment as a shared responsibility.

The activities of the association are open to various subjects. If companies and institutions can adopt behaviors and decisions aimed at saving the environment, respecting the codes by the productive sector specificly of Low Impact, so individuals can do their part by adopting environmentally friendly behavior, but also looking for information.

As Letizia Palmisano, collaborator of Low Impact, explains «We ask individuals to the mere Vlip Community is the place where to share views,experiences, pictures and videos and where to deepen environmental themes in an enjoyable and participatory way. The value for all of us, as citizens, is clear: in a better environment we live better».

What tools did you prepare in terms of communication, visibility and then development of this behaviour?
«At present the tool we use most is definitely the portal through which we provide in-depth nature of journalism on environmental issues also making inquiries and special. We also have the VLIP Community, which will be destined to become the largest online platform on the issue of sustainability in which we intend to involve and make a very significant relevance to our community. In the future we do not exclude the use of additional communication tools, and we're already working on the birth of Low Impact Awards, awards divided by subnet merchandise they intend to highlight those that most other operators have engaged in environmental perspective».

What’s does Vlip?
«“VLIP” is an acronym of Very Low Impact People, it’s easy to remember and brings to mind the concept of VIP. In our opinion, in a society that is increasingly distracted by the ephemeral, to become VLIP also means recovering the values of normality and the environment that we believe certainly the most decisive of many other values of being and appearance. To enter simply register on VLIP Community Being a VLIP allows you to compare, learn things and new people, learn, participate and be leaders of a new social, however, all made in Italy with the stated aim everyone to make their own bit for the environment».

So the environment and interest in the state to get too low impact on businesses and organizations?
«As I said before we hope to develop an interest in the environment extended to all stakeholders, both public and private. But we can not adopt a pragmatic and realistic behaviour about the motivations that can push companies and agencies to adopt good habits. For this reason we must be good if the interest is dictated by a pure interest in the environment, whether it is dictated by the objectives of vision, commercial or corporate image».

Back to Vlip community will be a forum, a social or other?
«It will be a social theme, a large square virtual and like all you can do many things. There will be discussion groups, declined on specific issues, representing a privileged place to deal with certain topics. Think for example to our municipalities, we will finally have a platform not only to report what goes and what is wrong but also a place to deal with local authorities and encourage them to do better. Think of the possibilities for mothers to deal with the experts to see how children grow and food while avoiding the risks associated with eating unfit. We think, again referring to women, it might be interesting to talk about look and make-up taking into account what are the non-natural substances that could cause problems for your skin and health as well as damage to the environment. I could go on because the discussion groups will be many, but what we promise is to talk about the environment in a pleasant and definitely not boring way. You can ask friends, exchange messages, create photo albums, add post and comments. For these reasons we rely on a very high level of participation and, if the results meet expectations, we hope to translate the social in multiple languages and to extend it internationally».

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