Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Arte Mare Scienza Festival: a sea of history, science and culture, all to be enjoyed

by Anna de Polo

Imagine sitting in a bar after a long day full of events, enjoying a glass of wine or a cocktail, while someone tells tales of the sea, the sea in all its forms, from the roar of the sea storms to the silence of the submarine world, passing through stories of sailors and fishermen. This tempting experience can be enjoyed in occasion of the "Aperitivi con la Scienza” (Appetizers with Science), meetings in the middle between tale and scientific divulgation that are just one of the more than 150 proposals presented in the Arte Mare Scienza Festival: four days of events dedicated to all lovers of sea, nature and culture, where culture means also the rediscovery of the territory and its traditions. Organized by Sheraton Hotel Genova, in collaboration with the Marine Protected Area of Portofino, the Comune of Santa Margherita Ligure and major research institutions, the festival will take place in June 2 to 5 and will have as main theatre Santa Margherita Ligure.

«The idea -as explained by Alessandra Tixi, Press Office of the festival- comes from a group of friends with a desire to convey the wonders of the territory in which they live, the Park of Portofino, unfortunately known more for its mundane features rather than for its natural characteristics. The desire to create an event dedicated to lovers of nature and environment was what made possible to set up the Arte Mare Scienza Festival. The aim of the festival is to promote sustainable tourism, giving to different people the possibility to discover the territory and the traditions to 360 degrees».

And indeed the calendar is full of suggestions for everyone, young and old, experts, enthusiasts and merely curious. For the amateur of image they will offer contests that give the opportunity to capture glimpses of landscapes of difficult accessibility, as well as a course in underwater photography. Food lovers can discover the specialties of Liguria and learn how to consciously buy the fish, while for the youngests they will organize contests that test their skills in the creative design and the nature photography. In addition to all of this there will be courses, workshops and excursions (including sea-watching, diving, eco-kayak tours and excursions in four-plane above the cape) to know and experience the sciences, the arts and the crafts of the sea. Of note, among the various laboratories in the calendar, the Atelier MarineLife, edited by ArteScienza and Menkab, which presents the visual arts as a tool to communicate ideas and disseminate the scientific knowledge, by giving the chance to build three dimensional models of animals of the Marine Protected Area.

It is precisely this combination of visual arts and science that represents one of the strengths of this event, where the sea is the crossroad between science and tradition and its ability to join people of different cultures, ages and experiences is reflected in the heterogeneity of the events in the calendar. The enhancement of the territory and the communication of science and love for the sea through various modes of expression represent the ultimate goal of the festival, which, in its first edition, looks very promising, with a swirl of events not to be missed.

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