Friday, June 3, 2011

Tracks of M'illumino di meno

by Eleonora Anello

The most difficult variable to verify in the implementation of an environmental campaign is often the return. This age-old issue can be sum up in a specific question that, at the end of the campaign, all the experts is asking: how effective has been the communicative action carried out? Considering the showy yellow arrows that have sprung up recently in Lucca (Tuscany) on every electricity pole, it can be said that M’illumino di meno (I will use less light) has worked.

To join the initiative dedicated to energy saving that we extensively talked about, the City of Lucca and the GESAM decided to replace the old light bulbs with more energy-efficient
new-generation lights. The campaign known as “La via del risparmio” (The way of savings), has originated from a ride of the Mayor Mauro Favilla, the President GESAM Spa Claudio Riccardi and the President GESAM Energia, Giovanni Marchi, who first got in the saddle on three special exercise bikes, which have shown the flag on the facade of the Basilica of San Michele.

From Caterpillar they had revealed it to us with pride. However, despite the strong media response, the start of the campaign itself was for someone a little mystery that began on February 18th, 2011.

The idea has intrigued the residents and the tourists walking the streets of the Tuscan city and it represents a specific energy choice as well as an ideal way toward saving. The arrows represent an immediate and effective communication tool that aims to sensitize public awareness and inform it of the replacement or rehabilitation of approximately 150 unsafe and obsolete electricity poles. The modernization of the system provides a total replacement of about 1600 points of light with the use of energy-saving lamps.

The action is part of the project SINERGO (Integrated Electrical Services Renewable and Optimized), which sees the administration and the company working for a better use of energy and which involves the use of new technologies, especially in the renewable energy sector. In this way, Lucca intends to go on in the normalization of the power grid in order to achieve by 2020 the objectives of the Kyoto Protocol.

«Here is revealed the little mystery that we have created to sensitize public awareness of the issue of energy saving - confirms the President of Energy GESAM Giovanni Marchi - We hope that this "walk" along the new Savings Route will be a long trip, leading to a future in which electricity is no longer synonym of environmental pollution. This is a principle that is among the inspiring ideas of the project Sinergo, implemented by the Municipality with the GESAM group».

Who knows what the mayor has answered to those who pointed out the strong visual impact of the arrows hung in a city with such a high artistic value.

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