Friday, February 10, 2012

I click "I like" and save a forest

by Silvia Musso

Thousands of peopl use social networks every day, so what better tool to give your messages the widest echo possible? From this simple but true observation the campaign "One like One forest" by Lifegate, launched on December 14th, has derived. For each Facebook user who clicks on "I Like", a square meter of forest in Argentina, is saved helping to preserve an area rich in biodiversity. Today there are nearly 19,000 users who have clicked "I like", number that is equivalent to as many square meters of saveguarded forest.

«With this initiative we want to share the idea that doing something concrete for the environment is simple and requires no great sacrifice or effort - says Enea Roveda, Marketing Director of LifeGate - in this case, to contribute to the protection of a forest a click is enough».

While the campaign is having a great success, it is also true that Facbook users spend several hours a day to post messages, make comments, report links and chat, and "I Like" "I do not like" is the fastest, but sadly superficial way, to share your opinion: it is not the best way to create environmental awareness about an issue. Often, those who click on the thumb icon do not take an active part in discussions and shy express their opinion without exposing themselves.

But perhaps the goal justifies the means, considering the thousands of collected "I like", that are as many square meters of forest saved, but the work of communication to create a common and widespread awareness to save the forests can not be reduced to this.

Lifegate is surely aware of this, as shown by its many initiatives. LifeGate is in fact the first network for sustainable development that througout different communication channels – magazine, radio, web – promotes a new way of life and an economic model "People, Planet and Profit" where people, planet and profit live in harmony.

Among the many initiatives, we stress "Zero Impact", the first Italian project that since 2002 realized the intent of Kyoto Protocol alongside people and companies on a path of reducing and offsetting their CO2 emissions by contributing to the creation and protection of forests in Italy and worldwide, and the recent "Zero Impact Web" that will reduce and offset carbon dioxide emissions arising from the use of the Internet.

Original is, finally, the "Second day of sustainable beauty". Monday, February 13th hairdressing salons and wellness centers offer some bueaty services. The contribution is free and will go to forest conservation projects in Italy and Madagascar.

"One like one forest"is part of the Lifegate's largest communication project and aims to remember that every little gesture, in everyday life, counts and is useful for the planet's salvation as to turn off the water while soaping under the shower, turn off the monitors' LEDs, turn down the temperature by one degree.

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