Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The appetizers are green

by Annalisa Audino

Who says that loving the environment isn’t in fashion? Who has decided that the environmentalist doesn't love the “cool events”, the vernissages and the worldliness and above all the ecology cannot be a point of strength for the economic resumption? Well, to deny the idea of a lover of the environment dressed in flax suits, with backpack and a shoulder tent, completely isolated in the world of the Nature and contrary to the progress, the last initiative, organized at the Atm Cafe in Milan from E-gazette, Terre di mezzo Events and Legambiente, could be useful. It says the "Appetizers of the green economy" from the title "Communicate green". In the modern and fascinating place, experts from various fields, scientific and cultural sectors met to help the green communication to become the new standard for communication and can be a valid tool to help the industrial sector to go out of the crisis.
During one of these appointments, Thursday October 28 th, three protagonists from some sectors of the communication talked about the potentialities of the agencies to make true innovation.Paolo Anselmi, Assistant manager of Gfk-Eurisko, Diego Masi, President of Assocomunicazione and Marco Geronimi Stoll, founder of Smarketing, has decided to conclude the initiated cycle of meetings in June leaving time for reflection and action.

«It is by answering to the demand of innovation and diffusion of the information - the organizers explain - that we have thought about a series of appointments of close examination on these themes with a new formula, which is useful also for the ones that don’t deal with environmental themes for job, but even want to do it. Not, therefore, the traditional conference but a green appetizer: a moment of formation light at the end of the day, with a glass in hand. With these meetings we try to explain what is the green economy, what could be and what will be. Looking around us, we already see its effects: hybrid cars, solar panels, refusals that, once recycled, they return to be subject before. Today, however, we can always speak more and more about green jobs, green marketing, green life, energy efficiency, echo-sustainable fashion, green vacations and many others. It is really this that we want to discuss with as many people as possible».

The appetizers, born in 2007, have become a fixed appointment for the Milan autumnal evenings and they are also surely a good example for the other cities. The economic and ecological threat is a problem for everybody: it is fundamental that all must participate in the improvement of our Planet, but also of our society and of our economy, with the correct means and the correct solutions.

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