Monday, April 18, 2011

In place of the second edition of “Porta la Sporta”

by Eleonora Anello

It officially started Friday, April 16th. We are talking about the second edition of “Porta la Sporta” (Let’s bring our bag), a campaign against the use of disposable plastic that we have been following from the its beginning. 100 municipalities, 12 provinces, dozens of other public and private subjects, 19 supermarket groups are striving to change in a sustainable habit characterized the waste of resources and energy, causing environmental emergencies that our planet, and especially the seas and their inhabitants, are no longer able to bear.

The 2011 edition was launched in a particular context in which the marketing of plastic bags in Italy has been banned by law but which, to date, have not been written decrees and consequently are not even provided the sanctions. Only a few municipalities have enacted specific ordinances, which were more or less effective and more or less respected. There remains, therefore, rely on common sense of individuals, committees and associations. As the campaign Porta la Sporta, sponsored by the Associazione Comuni Virtuosi, WWF, Italia Nostra, Touring Club Italiano and Adiconsum, under the patronage of the Ministry of Environment.

This year, the slogan is represented by a direct and engaging question, cleverly put on the mouth of famous testimonial. The video posted on the net, with Luca Mercalli as protagonist with his purchases in durable and capacious bags, closes with the question: «Do you want to be part of the problem or the solution?». But about the choice of the campaign, we'll talk with the creator and coordinator Silvia Ricci.

How are you going to the 2011 edition?
«Well! After only two years, what I consider positive is the establishment of a common front against the use of disposable bags. Usually the unit is created in our country only on major issues such as nuclear or water public, to name a few. It is difficult that we can create cohesion in shares much simpler devices based on small everyday action. Porta la Sporta has managed instead to create a strong and profitable synergy among the various actors who participate in it. Among administrations, associations, schools and supermarkets, and between them and the media. Each then tailored to their abilities and their specificity. There are municipalities that have already participated last year and they decided to expand their project. As the City of Dro (North Italy), which organized a veritable collection points to reward those who reuse shopping bags, inspired by Sfida all’ultima Sporta (Challenge to the last bag), another our campaign».

Can we define Porta la Sporta an interactive campaign?
«Of course. It provides support and assistance to all those who want to take the lead. I consider it a real strong point. Many can participate just because we have made available their communication means that would not have been able to field. Do not underestimate the involvement then of the true ultimate consignee, the citizen who, carrying with themselves the reusable bag, internalizes a habit that springs from the knowledge and reasoning, motivating them to carry on».

This year the event has had ample space in the media both local and national...
«The media coverage has certainly increased thanks to an excellent relationship with the media. The national level has certainly strengthened the local and vice versa. At national level we have certainly got the reputation that we deserved but the local media that make it more widespread effectiveness of actions».

It seems that also this year Porta la Sporta will surely leave its mark and will do through the creation of interactions and long-term relationships that will last beyond the period of the campaign.On the website you can find a list of all the initiatives you can participate, such as flea markets and barter, sewing workshops with recycled materials and more.

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