by Silvia Musso
The schools are close and it is time of well-deserved holiday also for the children. If you dont' have ideas on what to offer your children, a help comes from WWF Italy and Touring Editore that together published the first guide on responsible tourism targeted at children.
Io viaggio responsabile! (I travel responsible!), this is the title of the book written by biologist Elena Gatti and realizrd under the scientific supervision of supervisione scientifica of WWF Italy, tells in comic form and log book the adventures of Berny and Ele, two enterprising kids, protagonists of trips to the seaside, countryside, mountains and travels troughout Egypt and Nepal.
Young readers are approached to a way of travelling that respects the environment, heritage and artistic cultures of the places and peoples, the interests of local communities. The kids learn without getting bored the five commandments of responsible tourist, which are dedicated to the chapters of the book: to protect the environment, to respect people, to meet the animals, to do smart purchases, to move without polluting.
«To speak of ethics and proper behavior in an abstract sense can be not only difficult to understand for a kid, but ... very boring! - Ornella Pavone, curator of the book and of the Junior Touring catalog, says - A funny communication as the comic book, and immediate, like the diary, written in first person by the two protagonists of the stories, stimulates curiosity and interest of children by making them go into the problems, skipping the "theory" stage».
From the story in fact the key principles of responsible tourism come out which are then summarized and systematized in fun cards. At the end of each chapter, in addition, readers can try the quiz and personalise the guide with their observations and photographs.
«The issue of Responsible Tourism is part of Touring Editore issues - Mrs. Pavone says- It is a current on which the attention of tour operatorsis is increasingly focused all around the world. So, from touring guides for adults, it was natural to transfer the message of the new style of travelling, sustainable and respectful of cultures and territories, also to children and teens, from 6 to 14 years, the readers of the volumes that are offered by Junior Touring».
The volume is unique in its kind. Io viaggio Responsabile! is the first book to bring these issues to children and it is new for both issue and formula. It is also a cross-reading of many school subjects: geography, science, history, literature, art, civics, religion are involved. It could be good not only for young people, but to be a useful tool for a teacher who wants to face informally with their children important and very timely topics.
In the coming weeks, while kids will enjoy reading this comic, teachers could start planning the next school year by placing these important issues of environmental and social sustainability into their teaching subjects.
Meanwhile, the collaboration betweenTouring and WWF Italy continues. It has been recently published Weekend nella natura (Weekend on nature), a guide on 45 routes in the WWF oasis, and in all probability Io viaggio responsabile! will be the first in a series of books for children that address the many issues of “light” tourism.
«This alternative way to travel - Mrs. Pavoneconcludes - has just overlooked the Italian scene, but is attracting growing interest from the public, especially the younger ones, because it proposes ways to travel adapt of everyone and favors the family target . Biking, hiking, trail rides, train, boat, natural oases: there is a whole world of adventurous and interesting trips even in the short and medium range, and children are naturally curious and always ready to go».
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