Sunday, November 27, 2011

Turning waste into a resource. It happens to the EWWR 2011 markets

by Eleonora Anello

It’s really rewarding getting rid of the objects we do not use anymore. It's good for the spirit and... for the environment! For this reason, the barter and used markets have become a must among the actions dedicated to the European Week for Waste Reduction.

This weekend, across the Milan’s hinterland, and more precisely in Mesero and Albairate, two important markets of barter, reuse and repair will be held. It’s important because they build up a relationship across the area and are part of a more complex process, as told us the President of the Consorzio dei Comuni dei Navigli, Carlo Ferrè: «We started on the occasion of the EWWR 2010, organizing in Vittuone the NoTrash Mob in the schools. We went on with the campaign “Il primato della leggerezza” ("The primacy of light"), seeking to decrease the amount of waste produced and at the same time to improve the separate waste collection and the quality of life of our citizens. On this Monday the educational phase of our operation will start. With the help of some volunteer groups, we're going to assess family by family the quality of separate collection applying different tags on waste bags. This tags are red, yellow and green depending on the quality and will be motivated to make clear to citizens what they are doing wrong if they're wrong».

Among stands of books, toys, kitchenware and jewelry we also met the deputy mayor of Mesero, Giuseppe Fusè. «As soon as the Consortium proposed these initiatives we immediately responded with enthusiasm. The action has a strong impact on the environment because it removes from the disposal a large number of goods which may be still used instead of becoming waste. Furthermore, it has a social impact creating a virtuous circle involving all citizens and inviting to reflect on the possibility to repair some items instead of throwing them away. To be more sustainable, we advertised the event mostly by mail and through word-of-mouth, avoiding an excessive production of leaflets».

The Mesero market was also a place of education through the information point in which were distributed the campaign’s bags and the “Centalogo”, a guide to the correct disposal of waste. The plumber who gave useful advices on how solving small housework and taught domestic water saving has been particularly appreciated by participants. The highlight of the day was the construction of a recumbent bike from salvaged parts of old bicycles, managed by Ecobent. The market has been constantly monitored using recording sheets of occurred trade, in order to get an effective estimation of saved waste.

In the meanwhile, today Sunday, November 27, in L'Aquila, a city that has always cared a lot about the EWWR despite the hard time it lived during the launching days of the first European edition, the barter Market is being held on - Exchanging not Throwing, initiative coordinated by the Environment Office and ASM Spa. The president of the multi-service company Luigi Fagiani said: «We wait for citizens in this important event in the Dante Alighieri school, on Onna Street. To be a good example is first and foremost our responsibility as administrators. In fact we will be bringing some objects there and actively participating in the initiative. A smart way for getting rid of no longer useful items and for replacing them with others we need without creating waste. The goal is to transform waste into resources».

So... have a good bargain at all!

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