Monday, November 30, 2009
AICA Prize 2009 - Edition VI
Friday, December 4 at 11.30 a.m. at the Hall of Columns of the City of Turin, Piazza Palazzo di Città, will presented the winning campaigns of the VI edition of the AICA Prize 2009 "Communicating with citizens improves Environment".
The Motel Connection to the complete: Samuel, Pierfunk and Pisti, withdraw the prize "Communicating with citizens improves Environment. Communicating green innovation" for the project H.E.R.O.I.N. - Human Environmental Return of Output/Input Network, cross-media project between music, comics, video game and the environment.
Will also be an opportunity to listen Robin Hammond, photographer, who has created for Panos Pictures the reportage on the island of Tuvalu, which won the Special Prize "Communicating the Kyoto Protocol". By videoconference from South Africa, will tell us about his experience on the island of Tuvalu, and with its population, one of the first examples of global environmental refugees, forced migration as a result of the effects of Global Warming.
Professor Joe Smith instead of the Open University will be awarded the Career Prize "Beppe Comin" and will be an opportunity to listen to his remarks at a few days to the climate conference of Copenhagen.
The awards ceremony will take place with the support of Piedmont Region, AMIAT, ERICA soc. coop. and the patronage of the Municipality of Turin.
Free admission subject to availability. For info and credits: Alessio Sciurpa - More...
aica prize,
environmental communication,
Friday, November 27, 2009
A Theater "recipes" to put the bin on a diet
by Francesco Rasero
Will learn at theater too some good practices for reducing waste. Last night, Thursday, November 26, inside the first official edition of the "European Week for Waste Reduction", the Cities of Dogliani and Farigliano (Cuneo – Italy)) hosted the premiere of "Less than 100 kg - Recipes for a diet Our dustbin, "directed by Roberto Cavallo and with Luca Mercalli extraordinary participation.
So immersive and interactive, but based on careful scientific research, however, were underlined the most significant actions that anyone can put into practice in everyday life, to reduce by at least a quarter of its annual production of municipal waste , which amounts (average of the Province of Cuneo) to 516 kilograms inhabitant/year.
Just with the number "516", shown in red letters, opened the show, hosted by Roberto Cavallo (European waste expert and President of AICA), after an initial reading of the description of Leonia, taken from "The cities invisibles "of Italo Calvino, who already three decades ago was able to predict with alarming advance the current state of the city submerged by waste.
On stage, the researcher Luca Mercalli, known television face of "Che tempo che fa" on Rai Tre (Italian TV), in a series of scenes in which alternate examples, numbers, stunning and other readings on the topic drawn from literary classics copyright.
Just the mix of sources and styles, coupled with the stage presence of the two protagonists, involved the public when, in the end, the wait has been given "recipe" of actions to be implemented to do the diet to the trash: since the fight against waste home composting food waste, from unwanted publicity to the consumption of tap water, but also the use of reusable bags and reuse of clothes, furniture and other consumer products.
The activity has been to enter into the commitment already carried out by several years by the two municipalities, often mentioned as good examples in the Province of Cuneo to waste management, and has been officially validated by the Promoting Committee of the Italian week.
"The issue of waste prevention is certainly the new challenge, even at communication level, for the entire industry - Cavallo said - the European Week, thanks to its ubiquity throughout the Italian and visibility obtained on major national media, is providing an important channel of communication to get across to sensitize public opinion, decision-makers to stakeholders, the citizens. The formula of the play chosen Dogliani, thanks to its straightforward approach makes it possible to enter into direct contact with people, hear and interpret their moods. Significantly, at the end of the play, the fact that all these have gone to pick up the card on which was summed up as "diet", asking to be able to make additional copies for distribution to friends and acquaintances. This is an index of success and the "word of mouth" is surely the best way to propagate the effects".
environmental communication,
European Week for Waste Reduction,
What do I put on the tree?
by Eleonora Anello
Recovery material and creativity in a magical and joyful mood before Christmas. Little houses, lights, music, sweet spicy and delicacies. Light up the Christmas Market in Trento where this year the administration decided to merge a long tradition deeply felt by the European Week of Waste Reduction. Protagonists, the students of elementary schools, 26 classes, 550 children will participate in "Un albero di Natale creaTTivo" contest of decorations of natural materials and especially of the recycling and reuse. Change of perspective: the children were not asked what they find under the tree but on what you put on it. Ask you to reveal the details about the environment alderman of the Municipality of Trent Michelangelo Marchesi.
Alderman, also an event with strong connotations of consumerism as Christmas can be a vehicle of environment communication?
«The Christmas has always been the biggest feast of the year for Christians. Over the past decades, however, these characteristics have given way to the most economic and consumerist. Christmas has become largely synonymous with "gifts" to do and receive. Based on these evaluations, the Office for Youth Policies and the Environment Service of the Municipality of Trent wanted to repeat themes from different valence, the kind of expectation of Christmas through the preparation of the consolidated actions of the tree, searching for decoration and their construction. It is therefore a discourse of rediscovery of Christmas by a new and ancient point of view, as well as environmental awareness. With "Un Albero di Natale creaTTivo", we asked, in essence, eliminate the traditional glittering decorations, often from the south-east Asia (with the consequent waste of energy resources and implemented often by underpaid workers or youth), made of plastics and synthetic materials hard disposal or pollution. The teachers were able to build a shared project with the kids, to rediscover the genuine feeling of "anticipation" of the happy event and at the same time enhancing the concepts of natural materials, low-impact, of "environmentally-friendly product", "product at Zero Km”, of reuse of materials. This exhibition provides an opportunity to pause in the frenzy of buying, a think back to a deeper meaning of Christmas and perhaps even an opportunity to assess a change in their lifestyles, particularly in relation to environmental issues».
In his opinion, how does the community, in which the occurrence of Christmas, and especially its markets, is a tradition deeply rooted, will respond to this initiative?
«The citizens of Trento have always been very sensitive to environmental issues, conscious and proud of the beautiful environment that surrounds them. The municipal administration is confident that even as simple as this proposed initiative will be evaluated very positively by visitors, but above all by the children, from the school and even from their families, and may be a reason for reflection and awareness of sure impact».
A suggestive appointment that not to miss. More...
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Coop's you. Who can reduce more?
by Eleonora Anello
All the 62 store of Coop Centro Italia (Incoop, Coop and Ipercoop) participate jointly to the European Week of Waste Reduction.
The historic cooperative, one of the leaders of the large retailers in Italy, has got it right: before recycling is necessary to reduce. So the group, which traditionally has informed its customers on the environmental, social and economic waste on the environment, are now emphasized the need to reduce them, first making practical choices in this regard. We spoke with the press office.
It seems that Central Coop Italy has enthusiastically joined the European Week of Waste Reduction, given the number of actions organized in the stores of Umbria, Tuscany, Abruzzo and Lazio. Communicatively, what does the common thread bind so many experiences?
«Coop Centro Italy has sought to give high visibility to all of its good environmental practices useful to reduce the waste by focusing the communication on the principle of "three R" that has always characterized the issue in environmental: R as “Risparmio” (saving) of packaging and consumption resource input (for example, elimination of the case of cardboard in the packaging of toothpaste brand COOP); R for Re-use of containers (such as the introduction of charges in the line detergent person Coop and reusable shopping bags) R as recycling of materials used in place of virgin (the use of recycled plastic detergent bottles for home Coop). The products aim to achieve a significant cost savings to members at the same time a big saving the environment (such as the reusable bags brand Coop of detergent and the conteiner for different waste collection) were displayed at the entrance of store and highlighted with special slates that evoke the image of the campaign and providing our customers with information on the "plus" of the green products».
How can the companies play an active role in changing ingrained habits of the consumers?
«The businesses, for example by promoting initiatives and projects related to environmental protection, to the reduction of CO2 emissions and to the decrease in waste production, may have an active role in changing ingrained habits: informing and raising awareness among customers about these issues contributes to develop behaviours that promote the protection of the environment in which we all live».
In the shopping trolleys, so, you can have a smaller amount of waste: to emphasize that, even at the supermarket, you can do sustainable and responsible shopping, the more careful consumers are starting to leave on the shelves the products with excessive and unnecessary packaging. A behaviour that, hopefully, will continue and take root in consumption patterns also beyond the European Week for waste reduction too. More...
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Toward Zero Waste!
by Alessio Sciurpa
Green Public Procurement, home composting, public water, draft milk, draft detergents, etc. These are the key points of the first city in Italy that has joined in 2007, the strategy of international network of Zero Waste, the City of Capannori. The results already achieved are the result of intense and continuous environmental communications campaign, aimed at active citizenship.
Throughout the "EWWR 2009" the City of Capannori giving a bookmark "Target Zero Waste" to all citizens who use the network of 15 store which it is currently collaborating on the sale of draft detergents, strictly organic. The bookmark will include information and tips to help achieve the zero waste strategy, waste collection and reduction of waste production.
Alderman Alessio Ciacci, your town has years of experience in the field of reduction. As the European Week for Waste Reduction fits in your projects?
The EWWR within a context of continuing strong communication from the administration towards the citizens on the importance of reducing waste production. In particular, the European Week has allowed us to promote some initiatives for the sale of draft products by combining a work of information for citizens through information material on our project "Zero Waste by 2020”.
As you involved traders to attend the event. There have been moments of consultation? You applied a particular communication strategy to involve them?
With the 15 retailers involved in the project has launched a partnership aimed at better success of the initiative, trying to play more action and better education and training to citizenship and customers of businesses involved. Training is aimed at promoting initiatives to reduce waste production and in general a reduction of the ecologic weight of our consumption, improving attitudes and lifestyles. More...
A special fashion show
by Federica Gemma
The “Occhio del Riciclone Onlus – Marche” trainers are already working to meet the primary schools of San Benedetto del Tronto (Marche Region – Italy). The aim is to raise the students awareness, through the game, to take daily virtuous behavior towards waste reduction and waste. Creative Reuse laboratories are held in the course of three school days and will finish at the Municipal Auditorium with a final event impactful, scenic and communicative. Children will create with their parents dress made of scraps, where to wear it will be the same children. Two generations compared, where direct experience, conveyed by play, becomes part of the baggage of a civic community.
Assessor Paolo Conducci (Environmental Policy of San Benedetto del Tronto), analyzing the project with which they attend the European Week of waste reduction, it seems obvious that you think about laboratory like an effective communication instrument. Why?
Laboratories in schools allow children to get in touch directly with the material them every day, along with parents, distinguished home. By understanding how these assets can create new objects. Teaching to have greater awareness of refusal means that today's children can be informed consumers of tomorrow, buying goods with little packaging and easily recyclable.
The fashion show, is the culmination of a journey that sees educational work alongside parents and children. What reasons have motivated this original choice of communication that connects two generations?
The principal objective of the final event is to reward the children for they hard work during the week, and especially to extend the message of the importance of waste reduction and recycling to their parents. Our experience has taught us, that children are a great vehicle of transmission for adults to positive messages and good practices.
Among the labs activities:
construction or recovery, folders, book bags, pencils decorations, etc..;
construction of shopping bags: old bags, irons, wires, strips of colored plastic will be the raw material to build own fun bag;
recovery and recycling of broken toys: a real “mechanical of toys” recovering the old games.
All those toys that you can not adjust will still be disassembled and converted into other fun items, that will enliven their leisure moments.
In the best tradition of childhood, the best toys are not created by the manufacturers, but from the imagination of children. More...
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
L'Aquila: restart with less waste
by Eleonora Anello
Certainly within the Italian “European Week for Waste Reduction” there is an initiative that deserves a special attention: the project conducted by ASM Spa of L'Aquila, city sadly known for the tragic earthquake of 6 April 2009.
«We have herad at last time of the European initiative» - says Sonia Fiucci, External Relations Manager of ASM Spa, the public company that deals with waste in the capital of Abruzzo - «but we wanted to demonstrate to the citizenry that does not revolve around the earthquake emergency including the collection of waste. Of course we still live a situation that can not be considered normal, seeing that about 70 thousand inhabitants, the 80% is still homeless, whereas those who have chosen to stay on the coast, some in tents and who still is starting to get into the "government houses”».
Tell us how it went soon after the earthquake?
«Just from the day after, we placed the bins of differentiation in the camps. Thanks to the cooperation of the Protezione Civile (Civil Defense) differed even within the camps, as the canteen for example. In all these operations we have been supported by waste management companies of Rome, of the Marche and many other regions. Offices have worked in tents and we did everything we could do and as quickly as possible. We set then 5 points for collecting bulky waste such as appliances, furniture and much more ... In short, everything we had no longer exists and should be discarded. Even those who have a house no longer have anything of what it contained. Everything is destroyed. So, to help those who could not transport their waste to the centres, we organized the “green days”, a collection "mobile" to facilitate the citizens and to prevent the formation of illegal landfills. We're still working on the differentiation of rubble. Part of our employees divides the iron from the other materials and especially from personal effects that we deliver to the security forces».
How has it changed communication in the environmental field after that tragic event?
«Well we found a significant evolution. During the weeks immediately following the earthquake, people needed news in real time. So, even if there were the television and the press, preferring Internet to its real-time updates. We, too, we used this instrument to our messages and not only through our official website. From the web the citizens could monitor, for example, the situation of the allocation of houses and subsidies. That's than communication there was a strong need for information, even if we did enough to achieve a “traditional” campaign with billboards, TV and radio commercials».
How does the "Week" insert in this context?
«We wanted to restart with the children. The school has always asked educational interventions in the environment and specifically in the waste reduction. So we decided to resume a conversation before started. After a educational lecture at Dante School of the city, we asked the boys to value the amount of waste they produce, partly because their influence is determinant in the family purchases. From these data processing rules that will reduce this amount. They learned the techniques, thanks to collaboration with a big supermarket, the kids will turn to educate buyers. Advice, for example, the family packs, which besides being more convenient they have less packaging. Until now the children have responded so splendidly with enthusiasm and desire to do». More...
Reduce by a "bit"
by Alessio Sciurpa
An important message of civic responsibility on the reduction of electronic waste, also this is the "European Week for Waste Reduction". Two young people distinct realities from the Cosenza Province (South of Italy) involved: Altomonte, a center of 5,000 inhabitants, the pearl of tourism in Calabria Region and cradle of art of the '300, which turns into a movie set. Where around 200 young people have been involved on transform its historic center on an "eco-electronic place" of twenty-first century, through the creation of a television spot on the reduction of electronic waste;
and Rende, dynamic university center, where 30,000 students on November 28, will transfer to their “little clones”, elementary and middle school students, best practices for reuse of hi-tech waste.
It is Laplacian, the company of innovative design based in Rende, to have coordinated the implementation of this actions, we speak with Tommaso Caporale, CEO of Laplacian.
Taking a cue from your project on electronic materials, as we can combine environmental activities with measures of social value?
«Starting the "Re-Waste" project, a network of mobile laboratories for collecting the reuse of discarded devices, as well as avoid a "pandemic" of waste, the purchase of more new advanced electronic obelisks (I refer to the electronic components that often performs exaggerated, compared to those effective used) and through the dissemination of knowledge of this potential by young professionals from the field (engineers and technicians), has triggered a dual mechanism of social development: discarded devices , "re-sprinkled" or with open source software, will be given for free to needy and poor families, by transferring to them an important know-how, innovating our relationship with nature, as well as technology makes it through our habits».
How to communicate the importance of collecting WEEE and their subsequent reuse and which target have you privileged?
«The project started with the opening of the set for the spot on Saturday, November 21, focuses on awareness of the reuse of waste from computer hardware; the pretext of the spot has the feedback from young people's attention to the issue of WEEE disposing, still little known among the younger generation which, paradoxically, are the main users. As technology push forward, as the knowledge of environmental good practices recoils. Laplacian has wanted to reverse this trend».
Monday, November 23, 2009
Europe reduces
by Eleonora Anello
Terrible monsters persecute the French. At home, at the supermarket, at work. They seem invincible. Only a few eco-gestures may weaken them. Yes, because these beasts are made from the waste that each citizen produces. Through the campaign “Réduisons vite nos déchets” (Quickly reduce our waste), ADEME, the Agency for the Environment of the French government, participates in the European Week for Waste Reduction. Especially through 3 simple and entertaining video, Ademe sensitizes people to produce less garbage. Become ambassadors of the campaign is very simple, just spread the message by sharing and discussing the material with friends. On the site are tips, best practices and, for those who have a blog or a website, it is possible hosting the widget to get daily advice on how to produce less waste.
In Catalonia, for the Setmana Europea de la Reducciò de Residus has chosen to focus on a specific sector, the tourism. Part of the campaign is dedicated to the hotels that are invited to switch to more environmentally friendly behaviours that are good for the environment than even the economy, by attracting more tourists and while reducing operating costs.
In Brussels for the Semaine Européenne de la Réduction des Déchets is provided free entry to the Public Aquarium where they were set up of information points. Also, open doors to composting sites for the most operated by associations. Here the public is encouraged to bring their organic waste. Are then organized the mobile collection point in the market towns across the wheelbarrow to collect the waste merchants and, for to create awareness to the customers to continue to differentiate at home, will give away container compost.
Great importance will be given to the students. The Institute of Industrial Design La Cambre (National School of Visual Arts) is organizing an exhibition of objects created through the packaging of products consumed. Will demonstrate how waste can be turned into design objects repurchasing its own functionality.
The association takes care of the youth centre of Marolles, however, will manage the children in a particular bar where you can eat only wholesome foods which, among others, are transcriptions from packaging. In this week the small consumers thus realizing how much waste they produce by eating crisps and snacks that, besides not represent healthy foods, pollute a lot.
For older children of the KTA Jette will be held on the "Fruity Cool Day": removed the vending machines of candy will be room for the markets of fruit. In many other schools the week will begin the consumption of water from the tap.
Many actors for many actions in the region of Oporto (Portugal) for the Semana Europeia da Prevençāo de Residuos. Projections, recovery of past traditions, concerts, exhibitions of waste processing, collections of clothing, books, games and electronic materials to donate to the neediest organized, especially in schools. Among the various initiatives in Mapad the exchange of old light bulbs in favour of those with low consumption. Large billboards, involvement of the media, stickers for not receive "junk mail" in the hole, training, and even sending letters and homilies of awareness also part of the parish... in the hope that aid arrives also from heaven!
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Even large retailers moving to reduce
by Alessio Sciurpa
Involved by Region Valle d'Aosta (Italy) and inserted into the initiatives for the European Week for waste reduction, even large retailers moving to reduce. Among the events triggered in the region this seems remarkable, given the particular amplitude of the target that involves.
In the various outlets will be created real points of collection of plastic bags by distributing gadgets in their place. With the simple technique of contact, customers will have the opportunity to receive helpful information about the plastic life cycle. Too often given weight only to the object (eg plastic bags), without understanding its real environmental impact. This kind of initiative not only helps reduce the amount of waste products but also to create awareness, broadening the perspective of the users not only to the object itself, but to all of its life cycle, from production to disposal. We spoke about it with the Deputy of Land and Environment of the Region Valle d'Aosta, Manuela Zublena.
The initiative was developed with the large retailers is of great impact, given the scale of users. Will follow, perhaps by opening a stable working table?
«This initiative is one of many proposals that will see our region in the foreground for the European Week for waste Reduction. Shall we be involved with eight different events, which together will, in a single week, more than 180 times of public interest, all centered on the theme of waste reduction. The presence of retail outlets within the region of specific communication on the need to minimize waste and specifically the packaging and plastic bags made of polyethylene, means to give a strong message in front of the awareness that by January 2011, as with the directives, we must learn to reuse carrier bags and packing are not always and necessarily, a guarantee of freshness and product integrity. We intend with the help of ASCOM Valle d'Aosta offer large retailers in the region a stable work table which we will be committed, in the course of next year, that will have as its central theme to create specific actions for reducing packaging and shopping bags made of polyethylene».
Activated by a number of initiatives within the European Week for waste reduction shows that your administration is investing a lot in terms of prevention. Is it correct?
«We hope that the many events on the region can become both moments of reflection, and moments of disclosure about the need for the living environment do not own it and make it mean what you want, but manage them well under the principle of responsibility. The steady growth in consumption has two direct consequences: the depletion of available resources and increasing waste. Living in a region that for geographical and morphological characteristics is one of environmental excellence in our country, also means to have responsibilities that need to see specific action on environmental sustainability, one of the priorities of regional policy». More...
Friday, November 20, 2009
Between theater, film and video interviews in Italy
by Alessio Sciurpa
A vast proportions campaign such EWWR found its strength in the variety of initiatives that comprise, so among the many " Molla la plastica! Azioni locali per diritti globali” (Spring the plastic! Local actions for global rights), campaign promoted by LVIA in collaboration with the Museum A come Ambiente, the theater company ITINERARIO and the Association ReAcademy Foundation. On the weekend of 28 and 29 November at the Museum A come Ambiente in Turin, will be present the campaign, which is part of a cooperation project sponsored by LVIA and other Italian partners and with the support of EU and African Union. Among the products that will be presented one spot on reducing use of plastic bags in Burkina Faso and a spot in the information campaign in Mauritania on sustainable use of plastic bags and the play "Q.B. QUANTO BASTA - stili di vita per un futuro equo” (QB - lifestyle for a future fair).
Also in Turin, at the Regional Museum of Natural Science “WasteSide Story ", an evening of fact,words and cinemaMonday 23 from 19 p.m. Start with the facts, an unusual happy hour. Then the words, a meeting between Nicola de Ruggiero, Regional Assessor for the Environment of the Piedmont Region, Luca Mercalli, meteorologist and climatologist and Roberto Cavallo, President of AICA (Steering Committee of the Italian EWWR). And finally the cinema with short animation HOW TO DESTROY THE WORLD and the Canadian documentary ADDICTED TO PLASTIC.
Wisdom on scene in Forlì (Emilia Romagna Region). Showing of video interviews made for the elderly, who tells how normal it was time to try to reuse and recover the products, in contrast to today's society where some best practices seem to have lost. Interesting idea, even as a glue for the community, the project called “C’era una volta…Testimonianze di buone pratiche” (Once upon a time...examples of good practice) by the Association Movimento consumatori – Forlì section.
A vast proportions campaign such EWWR found its strength in the variety of initiatives that comprise, so among the many " Molla la plastica! Azioni locali per diritti globali” (Spring the plastic! Local actions for global rights), campaign promoted by LVIA in collaboration with the Museum A come Ambiente, the theater company ITINERARIO and the Association ReAcademy Foundation. On the weekend of 28 and 29 November at the Museum A come Ambiente in Turin, will be present the campaign, which is part of a cooperation project sponsored by LVIA and other Italian partners and with the support of EU and African Union. Among the products that will be presented one spot on reducing use of plastic bags in Burkina Faso and a spot in the information campaign in Mauritania on sustainable use of plastic bags and the play "Q.B. QUANTO BASTA - stili di vita per un futuro equo” (QB - lifestyle for a future fair).
Also in Turin, at the Regional Museum of Natural Science “WasteSide Story ", an evening of fact,words and cinemaMonday 23 from 19 p.m. Start with the facts, an unusual happy hour. Then the words, a meeting between Nicola de Ruggiero, Regional Assessor for the Environment of the Piedmont Region, Luca Mercalli, meteorologist and climatologist and Roberto Cavallo, President of AICA (Steering Committee of the Italian EWWR). And finally the cinema with short animation HOW TO DESTROY THE WORLD and the Canadian documentary ADDICTED TO PLASTIC.
Wisdom on scene in Forlì (Emilia Romagna Region). Showing of video interviews made for the elderly, who tells how normal it was time to try to reuse and recover the products, in contrast to today's society where some best practices seem to have lost. Interesting idea, even as a glue for the community, the project called “C’era una volta…Testimonianze di buone pratiche” (Once upon a time...examples of good practice) by the Association Movimento consumatori – Forlì section.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
We begin with a video
by Silvia Musso
The European Week for waste reduction is coming! In the coming days we will present the most significant environmental communication activities included within the “Week”.
We begin with a short video by Roberto Cavallo of E.R.I.C.A. wich inaugurate the EWWR 2009 Italian Edition.
Follow this Link. More...
Monday, November 16, 2009
400 actions for less waste
by Silvia Musso
The Italian steering Committee collect 400 projects and more, for the first official edition of the "EWWR - European Week for Waste Reduction", which will take place from Saturday until 29 November.
A dense network of events and activities, both nationally and locally, thus covering the entire peninsula on the European strategy to raise awareness of waste prevention to implement sustainable and eco-conscious behaviours.
In fact even individuals can participate, with concrete acts to reduce their waste: on the site there is indeed a "virtual board" open to all, where express membership and then take part firsthand to the "Week". Besides, short guides dedicated to responsible consumption, there is the possibility to read about the hundreds of preventive actions already proposed across Italy.
The event has received the High Patronage of the President of the Italian Republic Giorgio Napolitano, as well as the patronage of the President of the Chamber of Deputies On. Gianfranco Fini, and the Italian Ministry for the Environment, Land and Sea. In fact although there are an initiative in his first official edition (after the "pilot" experience of 2008), the President of the Italian Republic has seen in the importance of environmental issues, in its European reach and in the increasing social awareness of this initiative, an important features and worthy of trust.
The EWWR birth within the European Commission's LIFE + project and is promoted in Italy by a National Organizing Committee composed of Osservatorio Nazionale Rifiuti, Provincia di Torino, Rifiuti 21 Network, Federambiente, Commissione Nazionale Italiana UNESCO, AICA, Legambiente, E.R.I.C.A. Soc. Coop. ed Eco dalle Città.
CONAI (National Packaging Consortium) is the main sponsor of the Italian initiative.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
A sustainable communication prize, not just in words
Announced today the winners of the AICA Prize of environmental communication 2009 "Communicating with citizens improves Environment”. The prize that highlights from six years the best actions of international environmental communication wants this year, just days before the Climate summit in Copenhagen, give a concrete signal. Two of the three winners will participate in videoconference.
Such choice allows to combine the savings in CO2 emissions, that air travel will inevitably leads, with the commitment in providing excellence in the field of environmental communication, without sacrificing the quality of contents for the public who will attend the award ceremony.
On the morning of December 4 with the support of Piedmont Region, AMIAT, ERICA soc. coop. and the patronage of the Municipality of Turin, will be awarded:
AICA Prize "Communicating with citizens improves Environment. Communicating green innovation", Motel Connection for "H.E.R.O.I.N. - Return of Human Environmental Output / Input Network" project;
Special Prize "Communicating Kyoto Protocol", Panos Pictures for the photo reportage on the island of Tuvalu;
Career Prize "Beppe Comin”, Prof. Joe Smith of the Open University.
The appointment is at 11:30 a.m., December 4 at the Sala delle Colonne of the City of Turin, Piazza Palazzo di Città, 1 – Turin (Italy), Free admission subject to availability.
Info e-mail to:
aica prize,
environmental communication,
Friday, November 13, 2009
Debut for the new waste management plan of the Piedmont Region
by Silvia Musso
Predicted "innovative" the new waste management of Piedmont Region (Italy). To communicate to the citizens the “Federation of Left” with the contribution from council groups of the Piedmont Region (Rifondazione Comunista, Comunisti Italiani, and Uniti a Sinistra) has organized "Rifiuti al bivio" (Waste at the crossroads), conference to be held on Friday, November 20th, at 15.30, at the Lascaris palace in 15 Alfieri Street in Turin.
After opening entrusted to Nicola de Ruggiero (assessor of environment in charge of the Piedmont Region) who will present the Plan of waste management, follow a series of interventions that will shed light on the theme. In the order will tell Attilio Tornavacca from the Ente di Studio per la pianificazione sostenibile dei rifiuti (Entity of the Study for the sustainable planning of the waste) who will explain collection system aimed at material recovery; Roberto Cavallo, president of the E.R.I.C.A. cooperative, A.I.C.A. member, who will refer to the law underlying the project, particularly describing the current Directive 98/2008 of the European Community.
The contribution on technical and administrative structure for a better waste management will be entrusted to Michele Bertolino of Legambiente Piedmont and Valle d'Aosta. Then it will be the turn of another member A.I.C.A., by Marco Maria Camoletto, President of Amiat (Multiservice Hygiene Environmental Corporate Turin), which will deepen the role of business in this particular type of management, while Claudio Cavallari (Pro Natura, referent C.A.R.P.), will speak about the reduction and the tendency to produce zero waste.
Concludes Gianni Naggi, Regional Manager of the Rifondazione Comunista (Refounded Communist Party), Environment and Territory Area.
At the meeting will be present the regional councilors Giampiero Clement, Vincenzo Chiappa, Enrico Moriconi, Paola Barassi, Alberto Deambrogio, Juri Bossuto, Sergio Dalmasso. More...
Thursday, November 12, 2009
The power of computerization of environmental communication
by Eleonora Anello
A Department of awareness. An administration sensitive to the computerization applied to the environmental communication. We talk with the Dr. Massimo Materi, assessor for Information and Statistics Systems, energy policy, consumer protection and the Culture of separate collection of the Municipality of Vercelli (Piedmont, Italy).
Assessor Materi, among the tasks of your Department the consumer protection, the awareness and the diffusion of the culture of the waste separate collection and the monitoring of the results achieved. Could we almost define his as a commissioner which is also involved in environmental communication?
«Certainly yes, the marketing is in this specific case an essential tool for communicating with the citizens. With this delegation, in fact I deal with "Environmental Communication", so the awareness of citizens aimed at the culture of waste collection, is implemented through its various innovative advertising instruments».
Why has your administration chosen to focus on this type of address?
«Unfortunately, we start from a situation of "ecological backwardness”, in the sense that we started late with the differentiation of the waste, also in our territory have always been few the initiatives to involve the citizens with an emphasis on environment. Our Mayor, the lawyer Andrea Corsaro, thought therefore giving greater emphasis to the project of "Separate collection" creating a delegation aimed at raising awareness of the latter! I say you in effect that the results are starting to come to our great satisfaction».
Among the prerogatives of your Department, also the computer and the statistics systems. How do they relate with the environmental issues?
«Truly, as the name suggests, are two distinct and distant delegations as themes, but I tell you how allowed me to tie these two assignments: in terms of awareness of the separate collection, among other things, I'm pursuing an urban experiment (just tested with success a few months ago for my campaign). This is specifically an initiative of viral marketing. We are creating on the territory a series of events with schools, advertising billboards and… of course a special section of our web site and not just, where more than communicate the results of the progress of the separate collection, consistently we show a "good use of waste" without telling the citizen what to do, in that we doesn’t force him to do something, but we intrigued him! In some cases, we launched a message relating to the environment that can arouse curiosity and encourage the citizen to gather informations on its own initiative in terms of differentiation. The goal that is achieved with this method is a responsible involvement, spontaneous and convinced by the user, just because he is forced anything directly, but it's as if he had whispered something of useful. The curiosity then makes its own the rest».
Thanks assessor and good work. More...
Monday, November 9, 2009
Health, society and environment
by Eleonora Anello
The sensitivity of the citizens towards the environment and the health is increasing but not always the media are able to meet this new need for information. Created to respond to this new demand Ecograffi, online journal that will be presented Tuesday, November 10th, 2009 at 12 a.m., at the King Kong Microplex, Via Po 21, Turin (Italy). For the speakers at the event Giorgio Diaferia, editor of the journal, physician and journalist, Nicola de Ruggiero, assessor of Environment of the Piedmont Region. Will moderate the journalist Antonella Frontani.
Ecograffi is proposed to discuss with together three themes often kept separate, although welfare is directly linked to the environment which in turn is influenced by the way in which the individual deals with the everyday.
The editorial office of the periodical is composed by a team of professionals working together for ten years, during which it produced the TV show Antropos, broadcast on Quarta Rete and Sky channels, edited a blog and organized numerous events of public confrontation and scientific.
Dr. Diaferia, we speak of scientific information, disclosure naturalistic, environmental education, even of social communication. How would you define environmental communication from the medical point of view?
«The environmental communication from the medical point of view is very weak. There isn’t a set that really know to the policy makers and the people, who today talk about environmental protection of life and work also means, in a non-episodic way, speaking of environmental protection of life and work in which we find ourselves. Leaving the work environment, normed by specific laws, I remember like today where lack of clear operational tools in our environment at home, in which Italians tend to spend at least 80 to 90% of their time, to be exceeded for certain substances. Environment means Policies of Primary Prevention, it means how and what we eat. For example, too many pesticides still present in fruits and vegetables, although within the limits of the law, are capable of inducing genetic mutation or endocrine abnormalities. As another example, the environment where we live influences our health as it may or may not promote healthier lifestyles, to keep away problems as obesity, diabetes and chronic degenerative diseases and others. I am not versed in the health damage from substances produced by the industrial activity but it is certain that, for example, the asbestos problem is far from resolved and that the same applies to the hexavalent chromium or the radon».
So you think that communicate the environment is primarily prevention. But, what is the mission of Ecograffi?
«Ecograffi comes groped for a very different approach from existence when talking to the environment and health. My experience as a family physician and environmentalist records the need to follow a certain pattern of social communication, to explain to people not engaged in a simple way, the complexity of protecting our health, thanks to more global attention to the environment in which we live. Our mission is therefore to document the most significant events in this area, thanks to reportages. Our new challenge is represented by this online periodic, open to contributions from all who are interested in these issues, so crucial to the quality of our future. We want to inform an increasingly wide public opinion on what effect pollution can have on health, but also provide a livable social scenarios different, thanks to environmental protection, thus stimulating a debate on the relationship between environmental degradation and loss of health with the clear signs of social costs».
environmental communication,
Friday, November 6, 2009
“Nonsolopuntaperotti4”. Interview with the Jury President Marcello Saponaro
by Letizia Palmisano
Starts NonSoloPuntaPerotti fourth edition, an italian photo contest created to denounce the “eco-monsters” in Lombardy (Italy), but extended throughout Italy for two years. Tell us something about.
«Born from Punta Perotti, the Apulian eco-monsters blasted with explosives, and from the idea that all eco-monsters that disfigure the Italian scenery deserve the same fate. It’s a game but I think also has a pedagogical value: the people (young and not) that participating, say with each picture to legions of assessors, architects and public officials that the landscape is part of the social, cultural and corporate capital of Italy and must be enhanced, not destroyed».
Any news in the IV edition?
«Meanwhile this edition is national. Like the previous of the rest. And then we have expanded to every digital image or scanned one denouncing urban or architectural havoc. So it is no longer limited only to photographs taken by mobile phone. The important thing is to capture the eco-monsters and report them».
The jury, which you chair, will be made up by who else?
«By historical components Guido Pollice (National President Verdi Ambiente and Società Onlus) and Fabio Fimiani (Journalist of Radio Popolare), by photographers like Fabio Treves and Silvia Tenenti; communication experts and journalists like Luca Conti (Consultant for Social Media) Massimo Mantellini (journalist and blogger), Edoardo Raspelli (Lead televised), Cristina Gabetti (journalist and writer). Edoardo Stoppa (personage tv of “Striscia la Notizia” for animals and ecology), Nicola Mattina (ICT Consultant), academics like Walter Fornasa, (Professor, University of Bergamo) and the business with Angelo Naj Oleari (Entrepreneur in the production and distribution sector of food and textile)».
You are at the fourth edition. What results did you get so far?
«Some buildings have been slaughtered. I am proud because I think a bit of merit it is of our contest also. I refer, for example, at the famous Hotel in Milan built for the World Cup in Zingonia, the one with shaped of " hair dryer". Who lives in Bergamo knows what needs to be reclassified Zingonia area... this is the quality of life goes from there, from the knocking down of the bad. Starting with the ugly. And its reconstruction».
Extension to national level means, up to now and last year, to a national participation? What are the most photographed subjects? There is a "prototype of eco-monsters" immortalized more frequently?
«Yes, the images come from all over Italy and I think that each type of eco-monster has been immortalized: from the industrial skeleton to the houses too "imaginative", from the unfinished bridge to the pouring of concrete. The prototype does not exist, there is a scale of ugliness it sees definitely at the top the abandoned buildings that are increasingly left to decay in our cities, become places of insecurity and deprivation».
In the last two years, other very similar photo contests were born. Do you feel inspired or "stolen"?
«I am sincerely pleased that major newspapers and big associations have sponsored similar initiative. None of us will succeed to win the battle, cultural rather than political, for the beauty alone. I wish that the schools did promoters of similar initiatives and call the public works assessor of the area to chair the jury! Unfortunately, only if and when they will not no longer necessary denounce it will mean we have understood that enhance our territory is our primary economic interest as well as ecological». More...
environmental communication,
Thursday, November 5, 2009
New World and new visions
by Alessio Sciurpa
It is on the concept of citizenship and the promotion of small daily gestures, that underlies the transition to a more attentive to environmental concerns society. In this cycle of meetings is part of the "San Salvario Eco-Sostenibile” (Sustainable San Salvario) organized by the Association “For a New World” in Turin.
We spoke about it with Silvia Bergamo, Head of Communication and info-cultural area of “For a New World”.
What are the issues affecting part of this initiative?
«"San Salvario Sostenibile” is a project that was created to raise awareness on environmental impact of our lifestyle.So we thought of a short series of seminars during which expert speakers will talk, in a concrete and direct way, as each of us can apply in their daily life good practice in environmental energy saving, how to make our purchases and waste management. These, respectively, the three issues to be debated for three Tuesday evening, November 10 to 24, at 21.00 at the hall of the Oratorio San Luigi, Via Ormea 4. Admission free to all events».
Why the choice of a strong ethnic characteristics neighborhood like San Salvario? Has influenced and influence this characteristic in your work of raising awareness?
«In recent years the neighborhood of San Salvario was able to live their ethnic characteristics and less so as a "problem solving" and more as a resource to exploit, a feature that enhances the neighborhood in terms of culture and society. It 'an area where there is social animation, citizens and local associations express the desire to live in the neighborhood and to participate in collective activities and reflection, we felt it was a very suitable environment and ready to welcome an initiative of this kind. Not by chance, we launched the project with a film screening to Baretti, a landmark in the cultural life of the neighborhood, as we have chosen to organize seminars at the Oratorio San Luigi, which plays an important role in the integration of Italian and foreign families».
Between your general activity even the ethics finance, how to insert this type of activity as part of your initiatives on sustainability?
«When we talk about responsible consumption is normally thought to real "supplies", what we eat and use in everyday life. But our money, our savings are also goods that we can use more or less in a responsible way. When we entrust our money to a bank, make it available to someone who will use our money for some activities likely to be profitable. Have we ever wondered how they will be used? Not all citizens know that most banks operated in large amounts to finance the weapons industry: I am not sure that all citizens will agree to the idea that their money will be used in this way. There are often more ethical finance projects, affordable and practical proposals that allow citizens to use their savings in non-profit, managed with full transparency. One example is the Banca Etica (Italian Ethical Bank), a real bank in which you can start a normal bank account and carry out operations; their savings can then be employed by the Fair Trade cooperatives, for example, which rather than borrow from banks asking them to its members and remunerate them with interest. Ethical finance is a key component for the operation of a sustainable and inclusive economy». More...
environmental communication,
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Strategies for greener cities
by Alessio Sciurpa
Yesterday presented in Turin the new campaign AMIAT “Buttalo Giusto” (Throw it right), designed to address the bad habit of dropping rubbish on public land.
The campaign has declined on several media: billboards for the four subjects, representing different types of waste, for a simple message and direct.
Ambient marketing action on 7 and 8 November, where a structure of over six meters in height, located in the central Piazza San Carlo, will create the opportunity for direct contact between Amiat operators and citizenship (information materials and gadgets distribution). A website devoted to the campaign where the user can, through simple and intuitive icons, find answers to their doubts about waste and useful information.
In support of the initiative has also been made two videos, which disclaim the same message through a eighties graph storyboard the first and a stop motion the second, already updated few days ago on You Tube.
One of these videos will also be downloadable on smart phone through a special code on the back of the cards distributed in Piazza Castello. It will be enough to bring the device to the code on the card to download to your handheld Internet link of the video.
"The campaign “Buttalo Giusto” - said the Amiat Head of Communications Roberto Bergandi - is a communication action targeted to engage the target broad and diverse to which we work, using both traditional channels of communication already tested by the company and media more refined and technologically advanced".
Monday, November 2, 2009
Historic appeal of the Roman statues
by Eleonora Anello
The statues of Rome back to talk. The Emperor Augustus, Julius Caesar, Giordano Bruno and Garibaldi are turning to the Italian Prime, Silvio Berlusconi, and launch their warning: «Silvio, do not be stupid. Save the Climate».
Realize the Michelangelo’s dream the Greenpeace Italy’s campaign in these days that has animated the streets of Rome placed next to the statues of showy balloon. While using testimonials of great reputation, the operation has definitely low cost and relies surprise effect it provides to the passers, especially taking advantage of the visibility and the beauty of artistic heritage, image but also symbol.
Besides, who would be able to question the words of Giordano Bruno when he says: «Berlusconi did not deny the science: save the climate». The campaign has also been well studied because each message was rolling on the personality and the historical journey of the character. Not by chance, in fact, Garibaldi says «Berlusconi, save the climate here or we die!», while Julius Caesar hoped to avoid the shoot out other stabbings.
The messages were installed ahead of the Brussels European Council held on 29 and 30 October, where it seems that Europe has found a compromise on the issue of funding to combat global warming, a common proposal to be presented in Copenhagen. Greenpeace has thus asked the Italian government to undertake that action is taken to contain global warming. Not being certain that the Italian Prime Minister and the other European leaders dwell to admire the statues, the association has backed up the action a formal letter.
But to make the statues “talking” is not new. Already in the sixteenth century, the Romans used the statues to express satirical popular discontent against the politicians and the Church. After a period of pause, the statues are back to storyteller in the nineteenth century, during the visit of Hitler and later Gorbaciov. The propaganda operations were then spread elsewhere. On the night of June 21, 2001, the “Tute Bianche” have reported the statues of Bologna to their old functions, or warning, launching appeals against the G8 was to be held soon in Genoa. In April 2008, the statues have not only talked, in Berlin, they wore the bikini in action against nudism, while in Turin, Padua, Palermo and in other cities, have to wear anti-smog masks hands of different movements such Traffic Kills and environmental associations like Terra! and Legambiente.
The blitz of Greenpeace seems to have had its effect, it was bounced across all media. More...
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